Stacy Montemayor

Research | Data Wrangling + Visualizations

Mission-driven and relentlessly curious, I am a researcher who works with data.

Data Projects

Data Analysis & Articles

10 years after Citizens United: State races transformed by explosive growth in independent spending

Journalism & Power Mapping: a quick way to see industries’ potential influence on public policies

Gender & Campaign Finance Disparities Continue in State Legislatures

Timing is Everything: Tracking Political Contributions Throughout an Election, 2020 Update

It’s a Family Affair: The Dueling De La Fuentes

Large Gender Imbalances in State Legislative Leadership

Fundraising & Gender Parity in State Legislatures Remains Elusive

Joint Report Reveals Record Donations in 2020 State and Federal Races

In 2020, Women Ran, Won, and Donated in Record Numbers

Web Development Projects


This static portfolio website. Take a look around.
Tools: Jekyll, HTML, JavaScript, SASS.

screenshot of this portfolio website

Votes From Abroad

Informational website guiding US citizens living overseas on the process to register and vote from abroad.
Tools: HTML, CSS.

screenshot of Votes From Abroad website

Teacup Woozy Travel Planning

A static website for a small travel planning business.
Tools: HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

screenshot of Teacup Woozy homepage